In the Midst of Republican Governors’ Success, Roy Cooper Sticks Out Like A Sore Thumb

  • While Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are “leading” by gaslighting, Republican governors are leading by DELIVERING RESULTS.
MESSAGING: Meanwhile… What’s Governor Cooper up to?
  • Today marks North Carolina’s 463rd day under Cooper’s Emergency Declaration with no indication of when it will end. Even Far-Left Democrat Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam has set an expiration date of June 30th. 
  • Republicans in the General Assembly sponsored a bill to limit the Governor’s authority to issue Emergency Declarations exceeding 30 days.
  • State Representative John Bell (R-Wayne) said Cooper must “provide specific details on what “metrics/data” need to be met to end the state of emergency.”
  • Michele Nix from NC’s first Congressional District and Freedom Matters NC filed a lawsuit last month to eliminate Cooper's ability to issue COVID-19 executive orders.
  • Governor Cooper continues to use COVID-19 to box out Republican elected officials from decision-making.

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